
胡宜蓁 院長


教  師:胡宜蓁 老師

職  稱:院長、教授

研    究    室:H325

分  機:2660











學 歷:國立台灣師範大學 人類發展與家庭學 餐旅管理與教育組 博士(2003.09-2007.06 MS in hotel and food service management, Florida International University, Miami, Fl., USA(1991.01-1992.12) 輔仁大學食品營養學系營養組(1986.09-1990.06

現 任:



  • 景文科技大學 副教授(兼餐飲系主任) (2008.08-2011.07)、教授(2011.02-) 景文技術學院/科技大學 助理教授(2005.01-2008.01) 景文專科學校/技術學院餐飲管理科/系專任講師(1997.08-2005.01) 台中福華大飯店 業務與行銷公關部副    理(1995.12-1997.07)。 台中福華大飯店西餐廳(美樂琪、麗香苑、酒吧、會議廳)副理(1994.12-1995.12)。 台中長榮酒店粵香軒/宴會廳資深領班(1993.09–1994.08) Days Inn, Miami, FL, USA, Housekeeping Supervisor. (1992.04 –1992.08) 台北晶華酒店柏麗廳服務員(1990.08-1990.12) 技術證照及評審:
  • SE (2016) WSET level1 (2014) City & Guild飲料調製證照 (2010) 中華民國「飲料調製」技術士丙級及乙級技能檢定術科測驗監評人員(2009)。 International Award in Barista Skills, City & Guilds of London (OHZ2162). 會議展覽服務業專業人員認證(外貿協會)。 中華民國「調酒」丙級技術士,行政院勞工委員會,(丙)021249 中華民國「餐旅服務」丙級技術士,行政院勞工委員會,(丙)。 中華民國「中餐烹調」乙級技術士,行政院勞工委員會,(乙)076-004506 中華民國「西餐烹調」技術士技能檢定術科測驗監評人員。 中華民國「調酒」技術士技能檢定術科測驗監評人員。 學術榮譽:
  • 2009、2009、2010201120132015年科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 2.100-104 教育部 「延攬及留住大專校院特殊優秀人才實施彈性薪資方案」餐旅類獲獎人員 3. 2008-2010 國科會科教處「傑出學者養成計畫」獎助(三年期) 學術代表性著作:學術著作(代表性)
  • Hu, Monica*, Horng, J. S., Teng, C. C. (accepted, 2015.10). Developing a Model for an Innovative Culinary Competency Curriculum and Examining its Effects on Student Performance. The Journal of Creative Behavior. 【SSCI, IF=1.943, 2014: 16/55 (Psychology Educational)】(NSC 101-2511-S-228 -002 -MY3)
  • Teng, C. C. , Horng, J. S., & Hu, I. C. M. (2015.02). Hotel environmental management decisions: The stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 16(1), 78-98. (NSC100-3113-S-030-001-)
  • Teng, C. C., Horng, J. S., & Hu, M. L. (2015.01). Taiwanese Students’ Knowledge of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in Hospitality and Tourism: Developing and Testing an Assessment Instrument. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 16, 1-21. (NSC100-3113-S-030-001-)
  • Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., Teng, C. C., Hsiao, H. L., Tsai, C. Y., & Liu, C. H. (2015.01). How the introduction of concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction (ESCR) can affect festival visitors’ behavioural intentions: An investigation using a structural model. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(8), 1216-1235. 【SSCI, IF=2.392, Ranked 4/38 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism】(NSC100-3113-S-030-001-)
  • Hu, M. L.*, Horng, J. S., Teng, C. C., Chiou, W. B., & Yen, C. D. (2014.07). Fueling green dining intention: the self-completion theory perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(7), 793-808.【SSCI, IF=0.359
  • Teng, C. C., Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., & Chen, P. C. (2014.04). Exploring energy and carbon literacy structure for hospitality and tourism practitioners: Evidence from hotel employees in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(4), 451-468 .【SSCI, IF=0.359
  • Hu, M. L.*, Horng, J. S., Teng, C. C., Chou, S. F. (2013.08). A criteria model of restaurant energy conservation and carbon reduction in Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21(5), 765-779. 【SSCI, IF=3.000, Ranked 2/35 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism
  • Hu, M. L.*, Horng, J. S., Teng, C. C., & Yen, C. D. (2013, 07). Assessing students' low carbon literacy by Ridit IPA approach. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 13, 202-212. 【SSCI, IF=0.113
  • Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., Teng, C. C., Hsiao, H. L., & Liu, C. H. (2013.04) . Development and validation of the low-carbon literacy scale among practitioners in the Taiwanese tourism industry. Tourism Management,35, 255-262.【SSCI, IF=2.571
  • Hu, M. L.*, & Wu, M. H. (2012/07). The effect of concept mapping on students’ cognitive load. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE), 10(2), 134-137. 【NSC 97-2511-S-228 -004 -MY3】 
  • 胡夢蕾*、劉靜宜(2012/7)。餐旅學生廚藝創新職能表現之差距分析。觀光旅遊研究學刊,7(1)47-59(NSC97-2628-H-228-001)
  • 胡夢蕾*、洪久賢、鄧之卿、徐曉嬋(2012/6)。餐飲業節能減碳之個案研究-以摩斯漢堡為例。運動休閒餐旅研究期刊,7(2)152-167
  • Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., Teng, C. C., Lin, L.* (2012/12). Energy saving and carbon reduction management indicators for natural attractions: a case study in Taiwan. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20(8), 1125-1149.【SSCI, IF=1.539, Ranked 6/39 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism
  • Teng, C. C., Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., Chien, L. H., & Shen, Y. C. (2012/1). Developing energy conservation and carbon reduction indicators for the hotel industry in Taiwan. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(1), 199-208.【SSCI, IF=1.382, Ranked 7/39 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism】【NSC98-2514-S-228-001-NE
  • Hu, M. L.*, Horng, J. S., Teng, C. C., & Chou, S, F. (2012/4). Exploring the Energy-Saving and Carbon Reduction Literacy of Restaurant Employees. Chapter of Strategies for Tourism Industry - Micro and Macro Perspectives. 【ISBN 978-953-51-0566-4】. NSC 98-2514-S228-01-NE
  • Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L.*, Hong, J. C., & Lin, Y. C. (2011). Innovation Strategies for Organizational Change in a Tea Restaurant Culture: A Social Behavior Perspective. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 39(2), 265-274. 【SSCI, IF=0.356】 (NSC 95-2416-H-228-001)
  • Horng, J. S., Hu, M. L., & Lin, L. (2011/6). Food Creativity of Recipes, Parings, Menus. In M. R. Runco & S. R. Pritzker (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity. 2nd Edition, London: Academic Press. (NSC 93-2516-S-003-017)
  • Hu, M. L. (2010). Developing A Core Competency Model of Innovative Culinary Development. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(4), 582-590. 【SSCI, IF=1.382, Ranked 7/33 in Hospitality, Sport, Leisure and Tourism】 (NSC97-2628-H-228-001) 引用4
  • Hu, M. L. (2010). Discovering Culinary Competency: An Innovative Approach. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 9(1), 65-72.【SSCI】(NSC97-2628-H-228-001) 引用2
  • Horng, J. S., & Hu, M. L. (2009). The Creative Culinary Process: Constructing and Extending a Four-Component Model. Creativity Research Journal, 21(4), 376-383. 【SSCI, IF=1.059, PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL (25/50)】 (NSC 93-2516-S-003-017) 引用1
  • Horng, J. S., & Hu, M. L. (2009). The impact of creative culinary curriculum on creative culinary process and performance. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 8(2), 34-46. 【SSCI, IF=0.225】(NSC 93-2516-S-003-017) 引用2
  • Hu, M. L.*, Horng, J. S., & Sun, Y. H. C. (2009). Hospitality teams: Knowledge sharing and service innovation performance. Tourism Management, 30(1), 41-50. 【SSCI, IF=1.274】 (NSC 95-2416-H-228-001) Corresponding Author引用33
  • Horng, J. S., & Hu, M. L. (2008). The Mystery in the Kitchen: Culinary Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 20(2), 221-230. 【SSCI, IF=0.574】(NSC 93-2516-S-003-017)引用5
  • 洪久賢、胡夢蕾,2007。廚藝創造力發展歷程量表之發展研究。教育心理學報(TSSCI),39(3)1-20。(NSC 93-2516-S-003-017
  • 胡夢蕾,2006。我國創造力與人格特質研究之回顧與探析。教育學刊(TSSCI),215-240頁。